2018 - 2nd Quarter

Taiwan, North Korea and the Trump Show

Monday June 25

The Fanfare and hype of the much-touted meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, has passed. ...

Taiwan Examines Karl Marx and Communism

Monday May 21

As Taiwan continues in its democracy, it is natural and fitting that it take note of the 200th birthday of Karl Marx, co-author of the Communist Manifesto. ...

Taiwan, WHA and Changing World Paradigms

Wednesday May 9

Without a doubt, change and trouble along with hopeful promise pervade the world we live in. ...

Taiwan, China and Xi's Ban on Orwell's Books

Monday April 23

In an almost ludicrous and seemingly unfathomable move, Chinese President Xi Jinping recently pushed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) efforts in micromanagement to the extreme. ...

Trump and Taiwan's Search for World Space

Tuesday April 3

Aside from a few diehard pro-unification Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) members, almost all Taiwanese are elated with the recent passage of the US Taiwan Travel Act. It opens doors for more extended contact, shared consultation and recognition. ...