How Ma Ying-jeou's World Differs from Most Taiwanese

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Wednesday April 04, by Jerome F. Keating Ph.D.

On April 4th, Taiwan's president Ma Ying-jeou laid a wreath in honor of the Yellow Emperor", the man that Chinese, not Taiwanese, see as the founder of China. Ma may see his ancestry as coming from the Yellow Emperor by some mythological chain, but Ma consistently and totally ignores the reality of most Taiwanese.

Eighty-five per cent of the Taiwanese share the blood of Taiwan's indigenous people. Think of it, 85 per cent. Why has no president ever laid a wreath to honor that ancestry?

It is time for Taiwanese to rectify this ignored reality. It is time to begin to recognize the reality of Taiwan Minzu and the fact that even in an election year, Ma Ying-jeou would choke on having to say the words "Taiwan Minzu."